Best Low impact workout for abs, tight glutes, slim waist and sagging arms

Best Low impact workout for abs, tight glutes, slim waist and sagging arms. This training is targeted at problem zones. Most of the XUP exercises are using more muscle groups so your workout will be much more effective. Exercises are also suitable for men.

The training session is low impact on joints and it is divided in two parts:

  1. The first series focuses on strengthening the waist, hips, outer thighs, inner thighs. In addition, XUP exercises reinforce the deep spine stabilization system during each exercise. You are deflecting yourself to activate these layers of your core.
  2. The second series focuses on strengthening and losing weight in the abdomen. Exercise gradually exercises all the muscle layers of the abdominal muscles - straight, oblique, lower and deep layers of abdominal muscles.

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